
MAGIC is my last name.

It’s not a gimmick or way to sparkle.

I started this firm with the commitment to make beautiful spaces. Big, small, inside and out. There’s a shortage of great rooms, places we love to be in, play in and live in.

My aim is to discover meaning in the things we shape, through playful uses of materials, brand enhancement and highly skilled detailing.

Clients usually find me for one-off solutions, challenging situations or wanting something different. Why do something normal when you can do something extraordinary?


My process is different.

Smaller is greater.

I try not to waste time.

I don’t outsource.

I won’t copy, not even details from a previous project.

I don’t pass projects on to inexperienced staff or unpaid interns, as this is my work not a design factory.

I play down the seriousness of design by making it approachable.

And hopefully the work becomes beautiful, fun and well loved by all that touch it.

Services offered

  • Architectural Services

    • Commercial Buildings

    • Office + Commercial Interiors

    • Unique New Homes

    • Beverage Spaces

    • Adaptive Re-Use + Renovations

    • Heritage Buildings + Preservation

  • Interior Design

  • Lighting Design

  • Signage + Wayfinding Design

Scott Magic AIA - Principal

For over 20 years Scott worked for highly regarded design firms including Michael Hsu Office of Architecture, Hanna Gabriel Wells and the architect-developer Jonathan Segal.  His experience has covered a wide range of building types large + small; from custom stitched upholstery to multistory steel detailing; corporate interiors to master planning. His eye for detail works at all scales.

Born in Lake Bluff, Illinois, Scott went west to attend the University of Oregon.  He holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree and references the Pacific Northwest for its sense of optimism, calm and natural wonder.  He resides in central Austin and frequently travels to meetings on bicycle.

Scott is a registered architect in Texas, Colorado, Georgia, Florida and North Carolina. And is a member of the American Institute of Architects and NCARB.



Current contributors

  • Charlie Schmidt RA

past contributors

  • Justin Kyle (Outdoor Voices - SoCo)

  • Matthew Roberts (Warehouses)

  • Rachel Matthews (Environmental Signage)

  • Jacob Middleton (Sip Pho Drawings)

  • Becca Floyd (Rogge Ramble media)

  • Hannah Oppelt (Outdoor Voices - Denver, Buckhead, Silverlake, Charlotte, Minneapolis)

  • Erin O’Brien (73 Rainey furniture, Foxtrot UT, various project models)

  • Eric Hayes (Bouldin Creek Commissary, Idmi 60 Avenue, SKYE Texas)

  • Juliann Pham (600 Congress, Koffiqa)

  • Hannah Smith (Urban Baths, Bloor House, Casa Bianca)

  • Bella Chou (Jungle Gym, Onsen House)

  • Royal Petrie (Chiappero Trail Houses, Northwest Park House, 1711 E.Oltorf, Pampa Drive, Hergotz Lane house)